Citometría de Flujo en el Estudio de los Síndromes Linfoproliferativos

Dra. Alicia Domingo Claros.

[Introducción] [Material] [SLP-B] [LLC] [] [Inmunocitoma] [Linfoma manto] [Linfoma folicular] [Linfoma espl.zona marg] [Tricoleucemia] [SLP-B inclasif] [SLP-T] [Leuc. prolinfocítica T] [LGL] [S.Sézary] [Linfoma T periférico] [Leuc/linfoma T adulto] [Bibliografía] [Autoevaluación]


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G. Rothe, G. Smithz for the working group on flow cytometry and image analysis. Consensus protocol for the flow cytometric immunophenotyping of hematopoietic malignancies. Leukemia, 1996, 10, 877-895.

ES Jaffe, M. Raffeld, LJ Medeiros. Histopathologic subtypes of indolent lymphomas: caricatures of the mature B-cell system. Blood, 1993, 20, 3-30.

E. Matutes, K. Owusu-Ankomah, R. Morilla y cols. The immunological profile of -cell disorders and proposal of a scoring system for the diagnosis of CLL. Leukemia, 1994, 8, 1640-1645.

E. Matutes, R. Morilla, K. Owusu-Ankomah y cols. The immunophenotype of hairy cell leukemia (HCL). Porposal for a scoring system to distinguish HCL from B-cell disorders with hairy or villous lymphocytes. Leukemia and lymphoma, 1994, 14, 57-61.

ES Jaffe. Hematopathology: Integration of morphologic features and biologic markers for diagnosis. Mod Pathol, 1999, 12, 109-115.

K. Foucar. Chronic lymphoid leukemias and lymphoproliferative disorders. Mod Pathol, 1999, 12, 141-150.

E. Diamandidou, PR Cohen and R. Kurzrock. Mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome. Blood, 1996, 88, 2385-2409.

SA. Bogen, D Pelley, M. Charif y cols. Immunophenotypic identification of Sézary cells in peripheral blood. Hematopaathology, 1996, 106, 739-748.

Matutes E, Brito-Babapulle V, Swansbury V. Y cols. Clinical and laboratory features of 78 cases of T-prolymphocytic leukemia. Blood, 1991, 78, 3269-3274.

R. Garand, J Goasguen, A. Brizard. y cols. Indolent course as a relatively frequent presentation in T-prolymphocytic leukemia. British Journal of Haematology, 1998, 103, 488-494.

K Tsukasaki, Y. Imayzumi, M. Tawara y cols. Diversity of leukaemic cell morphology in ATL correlates with prognostic factors, aberrant immunophenotype and defective HTLV-1 genotype. British Journal of Heamatology, 1999, 105, 309-375.

JKC Chan. Peripheral T-cell and NK-cell neoplasms: and integrated approach to diagnosis. Mod Pathol, 1999, 12, 177-199.

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[Introducción] [Material] [SLP-B] [LLC] [] [Inmunocitoma] [Linfoma manto] [Linfoma folicular] [Linfoma espl.zona marg] [Tricoleucemia] [SLP-B inclasif] [SLP-T] [Leuc. prolinfocítica T] [LGL] [S.Sézary] [Linfoma T periférico] [Leuc/linfoma T adulto] [Bibliografía] [Autoevaluación]

  Fecha de última modificación: 18 agosto, 1999
Copyright. Dr. Tomás Alvaro Narajo, Dr. Llorenç Font Ferré, 1994-1999. Todos los derechos reservados