6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences
February 14-25, 2000

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Satellite Symposium Presentation 


Executive Information System

This application has been designed to obtain precise information, for the management and running of medical centers (hospitals, clinics, health centers etc.) in a comfortable way. It allows us to select the level of consultation with a wide margin: from a single entity (a specific doctor) or to a broader entity (a service, hospital or area of medical assistance, for example).

The application is composed of two modules. The first, deals with the maintenance of the formulas and variables that form part of the calculation of benchmarks. This allows us to raise the level of complexity and sophistication of the calculations. In this module it is possible to define which benchmarks must be calculated in real time and which will maintain their most up-to-date value until a definite date. Thus, it is possible to establish a calendar for the collection and calculation of information, in a way that the benchmarks and study models that require a long time to process, can be dealt with after working hours (e.g. during the night).

The other module deals with the extraction of data and the calculation of benchmarks of definite study models. It presents the information starting from the consultations that we set up (within the limits of the study models). It obtains graphs of various types (lines, bars and pie charts) with the screen and the printer, that can be incorporated in any Windows application through the copy and stick option. It also collects the data onto the calculation sheet EXCEL through the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) channels.

Maybe, after reading the above, you are thinking about everything you can do with your favorite calculation sheet. It is possible, but the work input needed to achieve this, is high.

The Executive information system for HP-HIS works like a specialized calculation sheet with the immediate advantage of having the data available without having to key it in manually. The application interacts with the center's data base, collecting the necessary data directly.

Secondly, a collection of pre-defined benchmarks and study models certified by Hewlett-Packard, are available, orientated towards the healthcare environment, which can be put to work immediately.

It is possible to take decisions and control your medical center, by just pressing a button.

This application is designed to work alone or together with other applications, allowing one to connect directly with the data base HIS (Hospital Information System).


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For further information or comments, please contact:
INABIS2000 Secretariat

Dept of Pathology
Hospital of Ciudad Real
Av. Pio XII s/n
13002 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Tel: +34 926 213444 Ext 184
FAX: +34 926 210298