6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences

February 14-25, 2000

The Most Important Virtual Scientific Meeting in Cyberspace.

Hospital General de Ciudad Real


Congress is closed, but you may visit 
all sections freely.

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INABIS Congress is an annual event promoted by Internet Association for Biomedical Sciences

INABIS home page

International Union Against Cancer

Under the Auspices of the International Union Against Cancer

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La Mancha. Spain
We recommend you a virtual trip around La Mancha. The place in Spain where Don Quijote  lived his adventures.
Castilla La Mancha Web

is hosted by the Informatics Dept. of the Castilla-La Mancha University, located in Ciudad Real, Spain.
With a mirror site at Cauca University, Colombia

Local Organizer:   Spanish Society of Health Informatics

seispc.jpg (6756 bytes) InforSaludNet 2000

For further information or comments, please contact:
Marcial Garcia, INABIS2000 President
Dept of Pathology
Hospital General de Ciudad Real
Calle Tomelloso s/n
13005 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Tel: +34 926 27 80 00 Ext 78867
FAX: +34 926 210298

Last update: 27/05/08

HON We subscribe to the HONcode principles
of the Health On the Net Foundation


This is a professional web forum, not intended to provide any medical/health advice. However, it is an open information source, and all users may use this forum to contact with health professionals. Any any medical/health advice provided and hosted on this site will only be given by medically/health trained and qualified professionals. The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician, and always respecting confidentiality of data relating to individual patients and visitors according to Spanish and European Community laws.
The information contained on this site will be supported by clear references to source data.
INABIS 2000 Congress is free and open to all visitors, and it accepts advertising as a source of funding. Commercial exhibits will have their own web pages, to facilitate differentiation between it and the scientific material of the Congress, and their contents will be supervised by INABIS 2000 organizers. Links to description of their product will be accepted, and all the information located outside INABIS web site (INABIS 2000 logo will not be present at the background of those pages) is not a responsability of INABIS 2000 organizers. Only main sponsors will include logos at INABIS main page.