6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences
February 14-25, 2000

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This Page contains answers to commonly asked questions regarding Congress presentations, instructions for submission, etc. 

Please send your queries to or use the form below


Presentations submission and design:

  1. What is the difference between a poster and an invited symposium presentation?
  2. I'm a participant in a Invited Symposium. How should I submit my presentation?
  3. I am trying to send a Poster but I don't know how to do it.
  4. Is there a limit to the number of authors on a poster or invited symposium presentation?
  5. Can more than one poster be submitted from the same lab or researcher?
  6. How can I modify an abstract, a poster or a presentation if I make a mistake?
  7. Can I submit graphics with my presentation? What about animated gifs and videos?
  8. How should my poster be organized? Should I follow the guidelines for scientific presentations or papers?

Copyright, publications, journals:

  1. Who owns the copyright on the abstract and presentation?
  2. Is a presentation at INABIS Congress a publication or a presentation at a meeting?
  3. Can the same material be submitted for publication to a peer-reviewed journal?
  4. How does one cite the abstract or presentation at INABIS Congress?

See copyright remarks


Presentations submission and design:

1. What is the difference between a poster and an invited symposium presentation?
Invited symposia presentations area coordinated by an expert (chair) that designs the programme of this symposium and reviews the contents of every presentation in her/his/their symposium. These presentations can be revision papers or research studies.

Posters are free papers presented to the INABIS Congress, that may be unrelated to the topics covered in Invited Symposium. These papers are reviewed by the INABIS 2000 scientific committee, that must decide if they will be accepted for presentation. Topics accepted are described in the programme page. Proposed additional topics will be evaluated by scientific committee.
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2. I'm a participant in a Invited Symposium. How should I submit my presentation?
1) First, your should submit your presentation's abstract, using web page  
2) Then, submit your the complete text of your presentation using automatic web design section located at
3) To submit accessory files (tables, figures, pictures, an  so on) you must access your local INABIS 2000 directory, using web page 

Please review detailed instructions at 
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3. I am trying to send a Poster but I don't know how to do it.
1) First, your should submit your presentation's abstract, using page
2) Then, submit your the complete text of your presentation using automatic web design section located at 
3) To submit accessory files (tables, figures, pictures, an  so on) you must access your local INABIS 2000 directory, using web page

Please review detailed instructions at 
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4. Is there a limit to the number of authors on a poster or invited symposium presentation?
There is not a precise maximum number of authors on a poster or invited symposium presentation, but the maximum recommended is 10.
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5. Can more than one poster be submitted from the same lab or researcher?
Yes. As long as the total number of presenters is 10 or less.
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6. How can I modify an abstract, a poster or a presentation if I make a mistake?
You can modify you presentation anytime you like. If it is a presentation for an invited symposium, please visit Symposia main page. If it a free poster, please visit Poster main page. If you experience some problem, please
send a  email to to let us know that you need to modify your presentation.
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7. Can I submit graphics with my presentation? What about animated gifs?
You can submit graphics and animated gifs as a part of your poster. After your abstract has been approved, and poster submission begins, you will be able to send accessory files using your personal web page.
When preparing your graphics, please take into account that not all of our viewers will be using extremely fast connections. Please try to keep the graphics as small as possible. Also, all graphics must be saved as either .GIF files or *.JPEG/.JPG files.

Animated gifs are also no problem, within reason. Please keep the pictures less than 20k in size if possible. Animated GIFs tend to chew up bandwidth. If you include videos, please send them in a compressed format and preferably using streaming video format, such as Real Networks (.ram) or Microsoft Media files (.asx)
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8. How should my poster be organized? Should I follow the guidelines for scientific presentations or papers?
Our recommendation is to set your poster up as you would a normal submission to a scientific journal or conference, using your familiar word processor. You will need to include contact information, names of the authors, abstract, materials, methods, results, discussion and conclusion, as well as references. 

To submit your presentation, you have to copy the text (one section of the poster each time) to the automatic design web page. Select the section you want to copy (Ctrl-C) and then paste it (Ctrl-V) into the corresponding field in the form.  

If your prefer to make your own design, you can design the poster web pages by your self. Please review a example of a presentation to include necessary links.
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Copyright, publications, journals:

1.Who owns the copyright on the abstract and presentation?
Authors retain the Copyright on abstract and presentation, and no one is permitted to copy or download this material without the authors permission.

To read more about copyright, see copyright FAQ page or visit "10 Big Myths about copyright explained" by Brad Templeton at and follow links therefrom.
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2. Is a presentation at INABIS Congress a publication or a presentation at a meeting? Congress a publication or a presentation at a meeting?
A Virtual Meeting such as ours is a relatively new endeavor, so the precise answer (if there ever will be "the" answer) is not available. The following is an opinion given to us by an official from the US Copyright Office.

If a presentation stays on the Internet for a limited period of time and downloading is not permitted, then one can argue that this is a presentation at a conference. If the presentation remains on the Internet for an unlimited period and is freely available, then it is difficult to argue that it is not a publication.

When submitting an abstract, authors can declare that their presentation should be removed from the Congress web site after the meeting and from the CD-ROM proceedings. Abstracts will be included in the CD-ROM proceedings and will remain on the Congress site; they can be cited.
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3. Can the same material be submitted for publication to a peer-reviewed journal?
Some journals may view your presentation as a publication rather than as a presentation at a meeting. Journals may not have a set policy and deal on a case by case basis. Use your judgment. You can check with the journal you intend to publish in.

For a discussion on a radical transformation in the publishing of scientific articles, see "LEARNED INQUIRY AND THE NET: THE ROLE OF PEER REVIEW, PEER COMMENTARY AND COPYRIGHT" by Stevan Harnad at; see also a related On-Line Forum from AMERICAN SCIENTIST
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4. How does one cite the abstract or presentation at INABIS Congress? Congress?
Recommendations for styles of citing information found on the Internet can be found in Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources ( ) and in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (NEJM 336: 309-315,1997 ).

As an example, a reference to a presentation in the symposium chaired by Simantov, would be:

Dus L, Ratovitski T, Tauber M, Tafet GE, Pantaleoni GCE and Simantov R (2000): Transcriptional and posttranslational regulation of 5-HT transporters expressed constitutively or in transfected cells. On-line Proceedings of the 6th Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences 2000 at Castilla La Mancha University, Spain (available from URL:

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If you have any doubt, you can ask us using this form. Please include a valid email address and click on the "SEND" bottom to submit your questions

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Your question:

Click to send your question.



For further information or comments, please contact:
Marcial Garcia, INABIS2000 President
Dept of Pathology
Hospital of Ciudad Real
Avda Pio XII s/n
13002 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Tel: +34 926 213444 Ext 184
FAX: +34 926 210298