6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences
February 14-25, 2000

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The 6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences is being followed by several journals, periodicals, TV stations and web sites. In this area you'll fin a reference to some of those articles covering INABIS 2000.

This is on open section. You are kindly requested to collaborate with us to include other references we have missed!!! Please send your comments to INABIS 2000 secretariat 

Spanish Society of Health Informatics

Informatics & Health (Informática y Salud) is a bimonthly publication of the Spanish Society of Health Informatics (SEIS). An INABIS association article was published in May-June 1999 issue. Also, in its last issue (January-February 2000) there is a complete description of INABIS 2000 conference.

INABIS 2000 conclusions will be presented in Spain at the II National Conference on Health and Internet (II Jornadas Nacionales de Internet en Salud), to be held in Madrid, April 5-7, 2000.
InforSaludNet 2000


Sixth Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences

by Ellen M. Quardokus

Posted February 4, 2000  · Issue 71

BioMedNet HMS'Beagle

An excellent and complete meeting brief where the author has reviewed from the concept of on-line meetings -including some technological aspects- to the scientific contents of INABIS 2000. Congratulations, Ellen.

INABIS 2000 was also mentioned in the our sponsor BioMedNet' HMS Beagle Issue 68  

Webwatch : Website in brief

Marilynn Larkin's short article is a summary of INABIS 2000 organization, programme, and technical facilities. It has been published in The Lancet 2000; 335: 665.

Internet Sanitario

Diario Médico

"The Net becomes Congress headquarters" (La red se convierte en la sede de los congresos)

An article in Spanish published on Monday 21 Feb 2000.

Ciencia Digital

CIENCIA DIGITAL. Spanish monthly online scientific journal. You can visit also the Calendar of events

Delo Dragica Bosnjak, Delo's Science/Medical Journalist/Editor (Ljubljana, Slovenija), wrote the following article in this Slovenian journal:

Delos's Article (Slovenian)

Science On Line 
Dr. Henry Szechtman, INABIS'98 Congress President, introduced INABIS idea in SCIENCE : Biomedical Gabfest a Rousing Success. Science 1999; 283: 7c.

Other references:

INABIS 2000 has also been promoted at:

...And many more search engines (See Links section). Many thanks to all them.  

For further information or comments, please contact:
Marcial Garcia, INABIS2000 President
Dept of Pathology
Hospital of Ciudad Real
Av Pio XII s/n
13002 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Tel: +34 926 213444 Ext 184
FAX: +34 926 210298