Paper # 009 Versión en Español Versión en Español

Sêzary syndrome with severe lymph node affection.

Margarita Delgado Portela, Miguel Angel Piris Pinilla*, Helíades Portillo Pérez-Olivares**, Marcial García Rojo, Jesús González García, Francisco Martín Dávila, Rafael López Pérez, Manuel Carbajo Vicente, Ana Puig Rullán.

Servicio de Anatomia Patológica, (**) Servicio de Medicina Interna Complejo Hospitalario de Ciudad Real. (***) Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital Virgen de la Salud. Toledo. Spain.

Dirección: Complejo Hospitalario de Ciudad Real. Servicio de Anatomía Patológica.
Avda. Pío XII, s/n, 13002 Ciudad Real. Spain.

Introducción [Introduction] [Materials and Methods] [Results] [Pictures] [Discussion] [Bibliography]

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We describe a male patient with generalized erithroderma that some years later developed peripheral lymphadenopaty and atypical blood lymphocitosis of 70%. The inguinal lymph node biopsy showed a proliferation of cerebriform lymphocytes in paracortical areas and Langerhans cells. There was also a residual dermatopatic lymphadenopaty.

The phenotype of cerebriform cells was CD45RO+, CD 20- y CD 3+.

The case is described and a bibliography revision regarding lesions in lymph nodes in patients with microsis fungoide / Sêzary syndrome is performed.

Margarita Delgado Portela M.D., Marcial García Rojo M.D., Jesús González García M.D., Francisco Martín Dávila M.D. y Rafael López Pérez M.D. are staff pathologists at the Department of Pathology of Complejo Hospitalario of Ciudad Real. Miguel Angel Piris Pinilla M.D. is and expert hematopathologist at the Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo. Helíades Portillo Pérez Olivares M.D. is head of the Department of Internet Medicine, Ana Puig Rullán M.D. is responsable of the Cytology section, and Ana Puig Rullán M.D., and Manuel Carbajo Vicente is head of the Department of Pathology of Complejo Hospitalario of Ciudad Real.

Complejo Hospitalario of Ciudad Real belongs to INSALUD, the Spanish National Health Institute, and it has 706 beds. It comprises two hospitals: Hospital Nuestra Sra. de Alarcos (INSALUD) and Hospital Nuestra Sra. del Carmen (County Council of Ciudad Real).

Key Words: Micosis fungoide, Sezary sindrome de Sezary, T-cell cutaneous linfoma cutáneo de células T, Lymph node.

Acknowledgment: The authors thank Miss Remedios Aragüez Ruiz and Miss Angela Burgos Rodríguez for their secretarial support.

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