6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences
February 14-25, 2000

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Sponsors are welcome at INABIS 2000
Go to Satellite Symposia

Sponsoring options
Main sponsor
Collaborating company 
Satellite symposia
Payment instructions
Information and reservations
Application Form


The Internet Association for Biomedical Sciences (INABIS) and its local representative, the Spanish Society of Health Informatics whish to invite all commercial, pharmacology, laboratory, medical instruments and related companies to participate a sponsors in the 6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences, INABIS 2000, that will be held in Internet from 14th to 25th, February, 2000 at

After four editions organized from Japan, last edition, INABIS'98 was administered by the McMaster University, Canada, with a big success. The 6th edition will be organized jointly by the Castilla La Mancha University, the Society of Health Informatics, and the Hospital of Ciudad Real, in Spain. Furthermore, representatives from the main official Spanish Medical Societies and other international societies will certify the quality of all presentations received in the Program Committee. INABIS 2000 will also link with other virtual meetings and conferences that will be celebrating at the same time.

INABIS annual Congress is one of the largest scientific conferences ever to take place exclusively in cyberspace. Due to the novel characteristics of this event, we would like to offer the possibility to participate to companies from all over the world, since INABIS 2000 is relevant to all medical and health care professionals, as well as those involved in the development and application of the new technological opportunities offered to the medical field by the Computing Science, Engineering, Telecommunications, etc.

Companies will enjoy a unique opportunity to reach and contact with a wide range of professionals from their own country and worldwide, to offer their products.

It is then a clear chance to present and promote health-related equipment, news, educational material, new drugs, laboratory material, and other related products relating to medical specialties like Gynecology, Gastroenterology, Urology, Pathology, Medical Computing, Molecular Biology, Clinical Assays, and son on.

On the other side, invited conferences from well known specialists, and the possibility of organizing an unlimited number of invited symposia, are keys to a guaranty of a massive attendance and participation.

Sponsoring companies have the opportunity to take active part in this event, not only announcing themselves in banners and logo in web pages and CD-ROM publications, but also organizing Satellite symposia, and direct marketing in the ways this document details.

We are looking forward to hearing soon from you.

Dr. Marcial Garcia Rojo
INABIS 2000 President


Main Sponsor
Collaborating Company 
Satellite Symposia


Logo and Banner in main page of Web and CD-ROM

Web Page of company information inside Congress site

Mailing to Congress e-mail distribution list

Broadcasting of collaborations in all press-releases

Satellite Symposia sponsoring

Fee: US$ 3.000


  1. Congress Main Entrance Web Page:

There will be a top banner of approximately 400 x 100 pixels, with optional rotating graphics. A maximum number of two companies will enjoy this banner.

Additionally, there will be a second banner at the bottom of the main page, with similar characteristic to the top of the page one.

  1. There is a web page for each main sponsor. Companies can announce themselves, with a short description of the company, logos, and brief description of their main products ("Exhibitor’s Foyer"), including links to other web pages of the company or e-mail addresses.
  1. Main sponsors will also enjoy a banner of their company in the main page of two invited symposia and two poster sessions.
  1. Congress proceedings CD-ROM. The collaboration of main sponsoring companies is also recognized in the INABIS 2000 proceedings CD-ROM in two ways:



- Promotional News  in e-mail Distribution List of the Congress:

Main sponsors will be allowed to send promotional information to Congress e-mail distribution list to all delegates during the active phase of the Congress.



Logo in main page of Web

Banner and text in "Exhibitors Foyer"

Mailing to Congress e-mail distribution list

Fee: US$ 1.500



  1. Congress Main Entrance Web Page:

A maximum number of 5 companies will be allowed to insert their logos in main Congress entrance web page.

  1. There will be web pages dedicated to sponsoring companies. Companies can announce themselves, with a short description of the company, logos, and brief description of their main products ("Exhibitor’s Foyer"), including links to other web pages of the company or e-mail addresses.
  1. Sponsors will also enjoy a banner of their company in the main page of one invited symposia and one poster sessions.
  1. Congress proceedings CD-ROM. The collaboration of main sponsoring companies is also recognized in the INABIS 2000 proceedings CD-ROM in two ways:



- Promotional News in e-mail Distribution List of the Congress:

Main sponsors will be allowed to send promotional information once to Congress e-mail distribution list to all delegates during the active phase of the Congress.



Logo and brief text in Collaborating Companies web page

Fee: US$ 500


Web page dedicated to collaborating companies is a detailed description of all companies that are participating and collaborating in the organization of INABIS 2000. No promotional information obit specific products will be allowed in these pages, but direct link to other web pages and e-mail addresses will be permitted.

Web pages of collaborating companies will be included also in Congress CD-ROM, that will be distributed amongst all participants.



Fee: US$ 3.000

Those Companies interested in the organization of a Satellite Symposium during INABIS 2000 Congress, can make a reservation of web pages (an estimation of 10 web pages per symposium is made) for their Symposium. These Satellite Symposium will be located inside the Scientific Program of INABIS 2000, with multiple links in other related Sessions, that will assure the visits of a large amount of delegates and specialists in that specific area. INABIS 2000 organizing committee will facilitate all technical assistance in web pages composition and discussion forum functionality.


Application forms of reservations will be accepted from June 15th, 1999 to February 10th, 1999. The order of reservation will be considered for the location and distribution of banners and logos.

INABIS 2000 organizing committee reserves the right to make slight modifications and adjustments in web pages distribution, in order to achieve the flexibility required from some companies.

Reservations will be firm when a 20% of the amount of the investment is paid within the 20 days following the acceptance of the application.



First payment: 20% within 20 following days of acceptance.

Last payment: 80% until February 10th, 2000.



The first payment (reservation fee) will be a non-refundable guaranty fee in case the company cancels the reservation.


Click here to obtain the Application Form. For further information we will be pleased to attend you at:

Sociedad Española de Informatica de la Salud (INABIS 2000)

Technical Secretary
C/ Olimpo, 33, 1º C
28043 – Madrid. SPAIN
Phone: +34 91 388 94 78 / 79
Fax: +34 91 388 94 79 

For further information or comments, please contact:
Marcial Garcia, INABIS2000 President
Dept of Pathology
Hospital of Ciudad Real
Avda Pio XII s/n
13002 Ciudad Real, SPAIN
Tel: +34 926 213444 Ext 184
FAX: +34 926 210298