# 14

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Linear Focal Elastosis: a case report

leonardo bugatti(1), giorgio filosa(2), massimiliano nicolini(3), roberto verdolini(4)
(1)(2)dept of dermatology. "A. Murri" Hospital Jesi - Jesi. Italy
(3)(4)Dept of Dermatology. "A. Murri" Hospital Jesi - jesi . Italy

ABSTRACT Previous: Verrucous carcinoma  developed on chronic cutaneous ulcers from paraffinoma  Previous: Verrucous carcinoma  developed on chronic cutaneous ulcers from paraffinoma  DISCUSSION
Next: Making of virtual skin tumor
Next: Intraarticular Synovial Sarcoma


An 82-years old woman was evaluated for a skin affection of thirty years duration. It consisted of yellow streaks of palpable consistency horizontally and simmetrically crossing the middle and lower sides of the trunk (Fig.1). A bioptic specimen showed a normal epidermis and an haphazardly oriented, fragmented fibrillar material surrounded by thicked collagen byndles in the middle and deep dermis (Fig.2, 3). A Gomori-stain showed an increased number of elastic fibers arranged in a wavy pattern between the collagen bundles in the same location (Fig.4).


Linear focal elastosis (LFE) was repoted by Burket in 1989 (1). It is characterized by the presence of palpable asymptomatic yellow striae, with either a palpable consistency if localized on the back, or depressed on the arms, abdomen and breast. The age of onset ranges from 69 to 86 years with a male predilection, even though cases with childhood onset have beeen recently described.

Microscopic examination of the cutaneous lesions shows aggregated elastic fibers dissecting collagen bundles in the middle and lowe dermis. Electron microscopy confirms the presence of elastic fibers with a microfibrillar or an elastin component, mainly in the youngs and adult respectively (2). Histologic differential diagnosis is mainly with striae atroficae (). Clinical differential diagnosis includes: striae distensae, linear xantomas, pseudoxantoma elasticum, elastosis perforans serpiginosa, solar elastotic bands(3). Pathogenesis is unknown. While some Authors believe that LFE is a peculiar variant of strieae distensae (4), others argue that LFE must be considered an hamartomatous/nevoid degenerative or regenerative process of elastic fibers as a response to mechanical stimuli such as physical trauma or solar radiations (5,6).

In summary, we think that the latter hypothesis can well explain the dorsal localization of the lesions in response to abnormal mechanical stimula in predisposed subjects.


  1. Burket JM, Zelickson AS, Padilla RS. Linear focal elastosis (elastotic striae). J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;20:633-6
  2. Hagari Y, Mihara M, Shimao S. Linear focal elastosis: an ultrastructural study. Arch Dermatol 1991;127:1365-8
  3. Uitto J, Santa Cruz DJ, Eisen AZ. Connective tissue nevi of the skin. J Am Acad Dermatol 1980;3:441-61.
  4. White GM. Linear focal elastosis: a degenerative or regenerative process of striae distensae. J Am Acad Dermatol 1992;27:468.
  5. Trueb RM, Fellas AS. Linear focal elastosis (elastotic striae). Hautarz 1995;46:346-8.
  6. Tamada Y, et al. Linear focal elastosis: a review of three cases in young japanese men. J Am Acad Dermatol 1997;36:301-3.

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ABSTRACT Previous: Verrucous carcinoma  developed on chronic cutaneous ulcers from paraffinoma  Previous: Verrucous carcinoma  developed on chronic cutaneous ulcers from paraffinoma  DISCUSSION
Next: Making of virtual skin tumor
Next: Intraarticular Synovial Sarcoma
leonardo bugatti, giorgio filosa, massimiliano nicolini, roberto verdolini
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Last update: 23/12/99