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WG 1. Business modelling WG2. IT Standards WG3. Images WG 4. Technology
[Action overview & COST signatures] [Management Committee] [Download Memorandum of Understanding]

EURO-TELEPATH “Telepathology Network in Europe”

COST Action IC0604

COST Office information related to Non-COST or Near Neighbour countries:


Following the success of COST’s Reciprocal Agreements with Australia and New Zealand COST is in the process of establishing a similar Reciprocal Agreement with South Africa. Under this Agreement:

South African researchers will be able to receive funding from South Africa’s national implementing agent to attend meetings of COST Actions of which they are a member, and COST Action members will be able to receive funding from COST to travel to South Africa to collaborate with the South African partner in their Action.

In order to access funding under the COST - South Africa Reciprocal Agreement it will be necessary for the South African institution to become a non-COST country participant in the Action. In order to do so the non-COST country institution must complete the COST “non-COST country participant application template” and write a motivation letter; this application must then be approved by the MC of the Action, the DC of the Domain and by JAF. Applications for consideration at the JAF meeting in November must be complete (including MC and DC approval) by the end of September 2009.

In order that Actions in the ICT Domain are able to benefit from the COST-South Africa Reciprocal Agreement we would be grateful if you would ask for suggestions of South African participants (institution and individual) that could join the Action.


New Template, to use for the Application of Institution from Non COST countries wishing to join your Action.

When an Institution from a Non COST country wishes to join your Action, please submit this form to the COST ICT Science Officer for review, along with a letter from the Institution expressing the wish to join your Action.

Sophie Beaubron. ICT Administrative Officer


You may be aware that under the Near Neighbours scheme, researchers from formally approved institutions from non-COST countries can have their travel and subsistence cost directly reimbursed by the COST Office when attending an Action meeting.

Please refer to Section 11 of the COST Vademecum for further information, at

Under section 11.3 you can read:

“When supporting scientists from Near Neighbour countries reimbursements can be made by the COST Office within the limits of the financial rules and conditions for COST reimbursements and subject to available funds. The procedure is the same as for other participants in COST meetings.”

And under section 11.5:

“a) Near neighbours: a sum of 100.000 € has been set aside for this subinstrument. The funding is coming from the COST Actions budget line.”

This is a limited budget, and funding will be allocated on a “1st come, 1st served” basis.

In order to access this fund, you will need to inform me BEFORE the meeting of your intention, with the following information:

-          name of the participant

-          name of the institution

-          copy of the invitation sent by the MC Chair

I will then review the funding available from this budget line, and if funding is available, I will send a Travel Claim to the participant (with you in cc). The participant needs to register at if not already done, and to send me the filled Travel Claim, with all the receipts, after the meeting.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Sophie Beaubron
ICT Administrative Officer
COST Office


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European Science Foundation

Last update: abril 10, 2009

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