“Telepathology Network in Europe”
COST Action IC0604
Working Group 4. Technology and Automation in Pathology
Related Scientific Program activities: Automation and
Scanning solutions.
[Main achievements] [Meetings]
[References] [News] [Links]
4.1. Full study analysis of microscope brands.
4.2. Analysis of implementation of database engine, search facilities, and
viewer modules of virtual slides database for clinical, educational and
research purposes.
4.3. Study of integration of web-based telepathology services with the
existing pathology information systems and the electronic health record of
the patient.
4.4. Study of integration of multimedia communication tools.
4.5. Providing trustiness in managing confidential medical data and legal
parameters to be included in the pathological image visualization standard.
[Top] [Objectives]
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[References] [News] [Links] [Contact]
Main achievements:
[Top] [Objectives]
[Main achievements] [Meetings]
[References] [News] [Links] [Contact]
Next Meeting:
Joint MC and WGs meeting. Evora, Portugal. October 2-3, 2008.
3rd WG3 (Images:
Analysis, Processing, Retrieval & Management) and WG4 (Technology &
Automation in Pathology) meeting and workshop. Warsaw, Poland.
November 28-29, 2008.
“QUANTITATIVE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY IN DIGITAL PATHOLOGY” 29th November, 2008 Jointly with the Working Groups meetings: WG3: Images:
Analysis, Processing, Retrieval and Management and
WG4: Technology and Automation in Pathology 28th November 2008 Venue:
National Research
Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Warsaw, Plocka 26.
First anouncement
Previous meetings:
[Top] [Objectives]
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[References] [News] [Links] [Contact]
[Top] [Objectives]
[Main achievements] [Meetings]
[References] [News] [Links] [Contact]
March 17, 2008. Patent For Virtual Telemicroscope
Virginia M. Anderson, MD, associate professor of pathology at SUNY
Downstate, and Jiang Gu, MD, PhD, dean and chairman of pathology at Peking
University, developed the virtual microscope system, the only one of its
kind capable of emailing electronic slides. Using their patent, the Chinese
company Motic — a global leader in microscope manufacturing — created a
microscope with a robotic stage that scans whole slides at various
magnifications and then creates compressed images that can be emailed all
over the world.
April 28, 2008. Olympus has announced the sale of a complete tele-pathology
solution to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Cancer Network
The advanced solution combines the unique properties of the Olympus dotSlide
and intraScope systems to provide both real-time and virtual slide analysis
as well as discussion capabilities
recent news on Digital Pathology]
Links of interest
Contact information:
Dr. Marcial García Rojo (Spain) and Dr. Bernd Blobel (Germany). COST Action IC0604 WG4
Dr. Marcial Garcia Rojo
Servicio de Anatomia Patologica
Hospital General de Ciudad Real
C/ Tomelloso s/n. Poligono Larache
13005 Ciudad Real. Spain
Tfno. +34 926278000 extension 78867
Mobile: +34 638227070
Fax: +34 926278586
E-mail: marcial@cim.es
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