# 24

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6th Internet World Congress for Biomedical Sciences

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Quantitative changes in neuronal population during aging and contralateral lesions.

María Jesús Ramírez-Expósito(1), José Manuel Martínez-Martos(2)
(1)Unit of Physiology. University of Jaen - Jaén. Spain
(2)Unit of Physiology. University of Jaén - Jaén. Spain

Discussion Board Contact address: María Jesús Ramírez-Expósito
Unit of Physiology University of Jaen
Faculty of Experimental and Health Sciences Jaén
E-23071 Spain
Main Page Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. INTRODUCTION
[Cell Biology & Cytology]
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.


Introduction. In the last years, studies performed in different neurobiological fields had produced an important knowledge about quantitative changes of neuronal population during different neurodegenerative proccesses. Although there are many quantitative studies of neuronal population during aging, this type of studies performed after induced lesions or in combination with aging are very scarce. The aim of this study is to analyzed the simultaneous effects of aging and estereotaxic lesions on the number of neurons in the frontal cortex of rats, and the distribution of these changes in cortical layers. Material and Method. Three groups of male Wistar rats (Control, aging animals and aging and estereotaxic lesioned animals) were used. After the sacrifice and perfussion of the animals, the brains were obtained and semithin sections were obtained and stained with toluidine blue. On these semithin sections, counts were made using micrometer-ocular techniques. Attending to the levels of hyperchromasia, three types of neurons were differenciated: normal neurons (NN), light dark neurons (LDN) and strongly dark neurons (SDN). Results. Aging produced a significant increase (p<0.01) in the number of NN in cortical layer V and VI. In these levels, a significant increase (p<0.01) of NFP were also observed. The NLP also increased their number. The total population of neurons did not change with age. The old lesioned animals showed a significant decrease (p<0.01) in the NN population and increased in NFP, but these changes were observed in all cortical layers. The total number of neurons did not change in this situation. Conclusions. The study of simultaneous effects of aging and lesions showed a different behaviour of these degenerative proccess, being the effects of lesions higher than those observed only in aging.

Keywords: Neuron - Number - Aging - Lesion - Dark neurons -

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Main Page Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. Previous: Differential effects of exogenous oleic and linoleic fatty acids and cholesterol on aminopeptidase activities in rat astrocytes in primary culture. INTRODUCTION
[Cell Biology & Cytology]
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.
Next: Quantitative changes in glial population during aging and contralateral lesions.
María Jesús Ramírez-Expósito, José Manuel Martínez-Martos
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