Forces affecting Technology transfer can be summarized as

  1. University and academic enviroment ( know how providers )
  2. Industry ( market promoters )
  3. Federal Governement ( politicians )
  4. Social and work enviroment ( institutions )
  5. End users ( individuals )

Either one can produce negative and possitive actions towards transfer technology

University 1.Publishing driven work
2.Not capable initiating transfer
1. Know how stablishement
2. Diffusion of information
Industry 1. Selling driven policy
2.I+D policy based on revenues
1.- I+D investment
2.- Joint Ventures
Federal Governement 1.Budget driven investments
2. Cutting budgets
1 Stimulation of social initiatives
2. Active legislation
3. Standards promotion
Social enviroment 1 Economic Resistance to change
2 Limited mass studies
1.Continuous education
2. Facilitate information activities
End users 1. New working schemas only based on costs
2. Inmediate benefit demand
1. Reimboursement policies
2. Introduce applications with previous design



It is suppose that the key issues for applying Telemedicine with be

a) Cost -reduction

1.- Better resource management avoid Service duplication

avoid equipment duplication

avoid specialist duplication

2.- Reduce number of " on call" professionals

3.- Service instalation where fixed cost are lower

4.- Providing back-up services

5.- Reducing costs associated with travelling.

b) Avoid isolation

1.- Continous education programms

2.- Remote support for specialist



The Scenarios for an appropiate Transfer Technology can be clasify as :

A) Technologycally and personaly
in favour and prepared
1) With real needs
B) Technologycally and personally
not prepared to accept it
2) With no real urgency

Permutation of the previous situations produce different scenarios that introduce variability in the transfer technology results. Furthermore this variability have to be multiply by two because it affects the sending and receptor site.
The ideal situation is A1, neverthelless the real situation is in general B1 , and the experiments carried out in Telemedicine in the world are in general in the A2 scenario.
In order to succed , particularlly in the B1 situations, the Organizational enviroment and Specific requirements for Teleservices pointed out in Chapter 7 have to be designed carefully. Not further spontaneous pilot project are justify ; a champion Teleservice have to be actively search in order to achieve a critical mass of users to justify their implementation and assure an appropiate technically and economically cost-benefit analysis with scientific guarantees ( see Chapter 5 ) to be able to consider it as true Pilot Project for comparison basis .


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Revisado: lunes, 26 mayo 1997.
Con el soporte informático y de comunicaciones del CICEI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria